I'm having one of those days where I have a thousand things buzzing around in my head ... and I am unable to put any of them into words.

That's so frustrating.

I wish there was a way to encapsulate thougth, you know? To take what you are thinking and put it into something concrete.

Well, duh. I guess that would be called writing.

Yep, better put on your sunglasses. Apparently, my brilliance is particulary shining today.

Then again. Words aren't really concrete. So, techinically, I wasn't being a complete idiot.

Anyway, sometimes (at least for me), writing is so difficult. Not because I don't like to write ... which obviously I do. I mean, why else would I keep an online journal? Not for the fame and glory it brings, that's for sure. But sometimes writing seems so ... inefficient.

For example, I was writing an email to a professor trying to explain something. But what I was writing didn't reflect what I was thinking. I just couldn't find the words. So, at the end, I wrote: "I often have difficulty accurately articulating what goes on in my head. Sometimes this leads to misinterpretation."

Even my explanation for lack of clarity seemed unclear.

Then I get frustrated. And I wish for for evolution to suddenly jump ahead a few million years so we can transcend our material substrates and just communicate through mingling energies.

Hey, it worked on Cocoon. And its dubious sequel: Cocoon 2. If you're too young to remember those movies ...well, then I hate you. And go away.

Today is one of those days I wish I were just a big ball of energy.

A big ball of energy that could just meld with you and instantly transmit thought.

Well, I wouldn't meld with *you* per se ... I was speaking abstractly. Geez, I hardly know you.

And I'm married.

It's not that you're not attractive ... I just can't go around melding with strangers.

What the hell am I talking about? I can't meld with anybody. I CAN'T MELD PERIOD.

Sheesh, I gotta start leaving breadcrumbs. I tend to get very lost on my tangents.One day I might not find my way back.

Anyway, my point was I couldn't write much because I couldn't put my thoughts into words today.

But, obviously (by the length of this entry), I have proven that little claim to be false.

Apparently, even when I have nothing to say ... I still have a big mouth.

Go figure.

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