Just a quick run down of my last couple of weeks:

Week 1: Eat. Sleep. Watch Buffy. Study. Study. Study. Study. Study. Study. Pet my cat. Annoy my cat. Get mauled by my cat. Nap. Thought about eating - but didn't have the time.

Week 2: (friends were down this week) Eat. Sleep. Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink. Mistook my cat for my pillow in a drunken stupor. Get mauled by cat. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Eat. Eat. Eat. Thought about going to class - but didn't have the energy.

See, you didn't miss much. That's why I don't update that often. I have to store things us to tell you because my life really isn't all that interesting. That's why I would never have one of those 24hr webcam things ... because all you would see is me, in my bedroom, petting my cat.

I don't mean that in the need-to-be-over-18-to-enter, erotic euphemism sort of way. I mean LITERALLY petting my cat.

That's basically what I do with my free time. Pet my cat.

Sometimes, if she's especially cute that day, I shake her head. It's my sign of affection.

Tried that with my husband once. Didn't go over too well. Thought best to stick with life forms that, because of my sheer ability to overpower them, must comply with my every demand.

And the range of things that I am able to overpower is somewhat limited. Basically, the category contains small insects, underdevelopment toddlers, and anything to which I am its only source of food.

I meant that as "me giving it food" not "me as the food". That's a very important distinction.

Anyway, I'm trying to break the shaking-the-head thing before I have kids. Even though I have the best intentions, I'm sure the state may have a bit of a problem with me shaking my kid's head on a daily basis. Not to mention, I'm kinda hoping for the non-brain-damage kind of kids. Not to say that I wouldn't love them even otherwise ... however, it's every parent's dream that one day their kids will learn to feed themselves without the help of outside assistance.

I'm sure they want other things for their kids as well ... but I say - set your sights low. If your baseline is their ability to feed themselves ... then you really can't help but be proud of their future accomplishments.

No matter what they may be.

Imagine how you'll feel when they are toilet trained. Basically the equivalent to a Harvard PHD in my book.

So let's sum up this entry:

1. I have a very boring life.

2. Apparently, my friends bring out my inner alcoholic.

3. Don't shake your kid's heads.

Well, my work here is done ... so I'm off to my Adolescent Psychology class.

Take care and remember to bundle up. It's a cold world out there.

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