I am feeling absolutely miserable today. Not exactly sad ... but definitely not happy. Emotionally uncomfortable, I guess, is how I feel. I have no real reason why ... but I do. It's the kind of day that I wish would go away and come back when I'm in a better mood.

However, I'm stuck with it. All day. So, that being the case ... let's make the most of it, shall we?

I'm going to try to talk myself into feeling better. So here goes:

Okay, Keryanna ... so you're feeling pretty crappy today. Maybe your hormones enacted a minor coup d'etat and you're suffering from a little case of the Saturday blues. Before you get your panties in a bunch - let's look at this logically.

You need today. You need today to define tomorrow. If you're never sad ... then how can you tell when you're happy?

It's like this. Remember last month when you were so sick that you swore that if you vomited one more time you were going to exhale a kidney?

Oh, do I.

Remember how horrible you felt? And how you thought it would never ever end?


But it did, didn't it?

Right again.

And afterwards, you really appreciated not feeling sick because - when you were sick - you realized how fortunate it is to be healthy?

Man, you're good at this.

Well, the same concept applies here. You need to be sad to appreciate the times when you are happy. Today isn't something you should see as a problem ... because really it's not. It's the completion of a cycle.

Life is filled with peaks and valleys. When you're going through a valley, it seems like the peaks are few and far between. But really they're not. You just don't realize how often you are happy. Because happiness is our natural state. Which is why, when you are sad, you tend to focus on the negative because that's what sticks out. Just like when you're sick.

Since you're not really aware of the things that bring you joy, this sadness is needed to shock you into awareness.

You appreciate the good when you're feeling bad. You crave happiness again.

This is your mind's form of checks and balances. It wants to make sure that you are not taking advantage of all the great things life has given you.

Embrace your sadness today. Don't fight it. Eat some chocolate. Watch "Sophie's Choice" or something equally heart wrenching. Take a warm bath and cry until you think your eyes will pop out.

Just go with it. Everything's going to be fine. This is a natural process. There's nothing wrong with you.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

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