We had our dinner party last night.

There was good wine, good food, and good company. With a sprinkle of intriguing conversation to spice things up a bit.

Shake vigorously and you have yourself a fine, fine evening.

I'm happy it went well. These things always intimidate me at first. I don't know how to be entertaining. For Jake, it comes naturally. Some people are social butterflies. For me, it's a bit harder. I'm like the little black bug that curls up within itself whenever someone touches it.

So I just be. Re-filling needy wine glasses. Laughing at the appropriate intervals. Complimenting her hair or his choice of tie. And hope that somehow that provides enough distraction for the evening.

Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.

But, hey, that's the story of my life.

On the flip-side, I've come out of the basement and into the light.

As I type this, I am looking out my upstairs bedroom window onto a beautiful snow covered scene with the faint sound of angry police sirens in the distance.

Ah, nature.

Nothing more beautiful than the whimpsical song of law-enforcment vehicles rushing to the scene of a horrific accident.

It makes me marvel at the wonder of it all.

I'm enjoying the sun. It's cutting through the window into shards of lights onto the white wall beside me. I especially love the light at this time of day - when it's not really day anymore ... but not yet night. When the light is soft and warm. And it makes everything in the world look a little nicer.

This is why photographers always want to capture light. I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to share anything this beautiful either.

I'm doing all I can to savor this moment.

Isn't it strange how much difference a window can make?

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