This is what I have learned thus far:

Our days sprout mercilessly. Much like the dandelions that appear by the thousands in my backyard garden. That, even if I don't want them to come - even if I DEMAND for them to GO AWAY ... they still twist and squirm into existence. Spurting themselves up and out and into life.

Each day is like a little, yellow dandelion endlessly multiplying regardless of how much we try to wish it away. We can't stop them. It's a cycle beyond the bounds of human control. Each morning, they are born. Each night, they slowly die.

Days replacing days replacing days.

There's not much you can do about it. But this is a good thing. Because, if you just wait a little bit, you'll see that the days that claw and scratch and drive you mad will wither eventually ... soon to be replaced by better and stronger ones.

If you don't like today, don't worry. It only last 24 hours.

This is what I've learned. So far, anyway.

Case in point:

I've had a seriously rockin' couple of days. My spirits are so high, any minute now I'm bound to fly away.

Which, considering my last two months, is a major accomplishment.

This makes me take pause. Life really does come by me in clumps. Clumps of good and clumps of bad. Whenever I think that I am about a whisper away from bursting open ... something incredible happens to me.

Out of the blue, my world is right side up again.

Just when I think I can't stand this day anymore ... it's over. And another brighter day is in its place.

I was seriously doubting the fairness of the universe as of late. And the thing is - I don't know why I do. Because it always come through for me. In some way or another.

But it's hard. When you're scared and hurting to believe that in the end - everything will find its proper place.

Amidst all the wild crashes and violent storms of life, it's hard to hear that itty-bity, tiny whisper of a voice softly murmuring in your ear ... telling you to hang on - this ride isn't all bumpy. It does get better. You'll see. You're about to get to the fun part.

I would elaborate if I wasn't so sleepy. Lethargy makes me cryptic.

Suffice to say, I am in a damn good mood.

Damn good mood.

Good things have come my way.


I'll write more later. But right now I have to go. I'm really sleepy and my cat is going to knock herself unconscious if she continues to head-butt me at her current rate.

I think she might be hungry. Or thirsty. Or masochistic.

Or maybe she just wants affection. Nothing says I want to be loved like a head-butt.

I know it works for me everytime.

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