I'm leaving for Canada in thirteen hours.

The forecast calls for snow. And, if the previous years have been any indication, they'll be alot of it.

But I get to see Niagra Falls again. And cuddle into bed with a nice cup of tea from Jake's mom electric teapot.

Nifty little thing.

So, I guess, a little bit of snow ain't all that bad.

Since I won't see ya'll for the holidays:

Be nice - but don't forget to be a little naughty too.

Drink but don't operate any heavy machinery.

Hugs lots of friends but, just to spice things up a bit, kiss a few strangers.

Watch out for perverts - just because some guy dresses in red and calls himself Santa, don't feel obligated to sit on his lap.

And, above all, remember to be Merry and Bright.

It looks good on you.

Happy Holidays, Diaryland.

Keep my spot warm. I'm coming back.

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