It's raining here and I am trying to persuade myself to go to aerobics.

Rainy days for me mean naps. Someone once told me that the reason people get sleepy when it rains is because the barometric pressure drops. Which means nothing to me since I have no clue what barometric pressure is. But it sounded pretty scientific so I committed it to memory so I could dazzle people with my stunning intellect if the subject should ever arise.

Anyway, I have one more class and then I have two options: 1) Go to my 6:00pm aerobics class which will tone my body, improve my health, and benefit my heart or 2)Go home, drink some coffee and eat some Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies.

So, you see my dilemna.

Now, I could bargain with myself (which I often do) and say that, although I won't go to class tonight, I'll make up for it by going on the weekend.

Yeah, right. That argument worked the first five hundred times I said it. But then I slowly caught on that it wasn't really effective anymore when it became obvious that I would rather chew my own arm off than get out of bed on a Saturday for a 7:30am aerobics class.

So. What to do? What to do?

Of course, if I do go home instead of working out, I won't be able to really enjoy my cookies and coffee because I will be racked with guilt as I literally feel the fat molecules in my body begin to swell due to my decision to remain sedentary.

I don't actually know if fat molecules swell .. or even if fat comes in molecules ... but it sounded scientific. Fancy words impress me. Who am I kidding? Pulp-free Orange Juice impresses me. It doesn't take much.

Okay, during the course of writing this diary entry, I have convinced myself that I don't think I should go to aerobics.

Wait, before you pass judgment, hear me out.

So, this is what I figure: Rain makes the roads slippery. The longer it rains, the more slippery the roads get. The more slippery the roads, the greater the chance of a car accident. The greater chance of car accident, the greater likelihood of me getting killed in a collison. Thus, to prevent my untimely demise at such a tender age, I should head home as quickly as possible when the roads are less slippery and therefore less dangerous which reduces the chances of my head becomes some stranger's hood ornament.

Really, when you think about it, it's a matter of survival. It's all about evolution. Sure, in the long term, going to aerobics would increase my chances of survival by providing all those chock-full-of-healthy-goodiness benefits it gives my body. However, in the short term, it really isn't the best survival strategy. And, as an ever evolving organism, I need to succumb to enviromental pressures and adapt to new situations.

Besides who wants to die over Jazzercise.

If I didn't need to take a nap before, I definitely do now.

Rationalizing takes a lot out of me.

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