I'm a little short of time today. As I type this, I'm sitting in my bathrobe, towel wrapped around my head, soaking wet. Which probally isn't the best state to be in considering that I'm typing this is on a big, hulky piece of machinery with electricity coarsing through it.

But, what the hell, I like to live dangerously.

I wanted to pop in and say hello - and goodbye - since Jake and I are heading up to Canada for the holidays. So I'll be MIA for the next couple of weeks. I would type a diary entry there - but I don't think they get internet in Canada. Just snow. And moose.

I'm just kidding. That's an inside joke that is a little too inside for you to get. You see, there is this "authenic" Canadian restaurant here that serves items like "Moosebreath" burgers and is decorated with the stuffed heads of an assortment of dead animals (which is REALLY appetizing when you're eating. The only dead carcass I like is the one on my plate. Not real big on decorating the room with them.) Not to mention, that all the photographs on the walls are of people trapped in snowblizzards. And, for some weird reason, holding fish.

Going by this place, you'd think Canada was a big chunk of ice filled with people who are obsessed with fishing.

And the heads of dead animals.

But, it's not and they're not. (Altbough, I must admit, I'm still a little suspicious of that whole "curling" thing. Jake tried to explain it to me once. But it sounded too close to "hurling" for my taste. Got a bad image of people projectile vomiting for sport. Ewwwww. Enough said.) I'm very excited! About going to Canada - not projectile vomiting. But I won't get to talk to you until after the holidays.

So from me, Jake and my cat ... Have a great holiday. Surrond yourself with people you love. Make a fire. Roast some chestnuts. And, most important of all, kiss under the mistletoe.

And,wherever you are and whomever you are with, be loved this holiday. Be with your family. Whether that's friends, relatives, or pets ... don't let stress of everything -or everyone- make you forget what's really important: the holidays are about love ... no matter what the malls tell you. The size of the gift is nothing compared to the size of heart of the person giving it.

So, take care of yourself. In every sense of the word.

And I'll talk to you when I get back - brimming with tales of holiday cheer and, undoubtly, holiday drunkenness.

Until then ...

Eat, Drink and Be Merry.

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