Well, it's about time for an update.

Not that my life is that interesting but it's good to check in. I like to see if you're up to anything particulary arresting or unusually captivating. Then I can live vicariously through your diary.

I enjoy trying on stranger's lives for a spell. Well, I guess that depends upon the stranger. Not real eager to pull a bodyswap with anyone from "COPS". Or "Married by America." The only thing I would be doing if I got into their heads is knocking some sense into them.

Speaking of bodyswaps and ass kicking, tonight is the season finale and last ever episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Yes, I am in mourning.

I am deeply attached to this TV show. Not to be mistaken for "I'm-so-obsessed-that-I'll-break-into-Sarah Michell Gellar's-bedroom-and-try-on-her-underwear" attached... but still I'm going to miss my little Scooby gang.

I actually heard of some people wearing black armbands to commemorate Buffy's passing.

Hey, I did even better than that. I got a black cat. Sure, she is six years old but that just means that I was thinking ahead. Points for planning. So you can have your silly armbands - I got myself an entirely mobile lifeform. Eat them apples.

In other news, my fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society is going really well! Actually, that depends on how you define "well". If we're talking "well" as in "raising alot of money" ... then no, it's not really successful. But if it's "well" as in lots of great ideas and material donations then I'm hitting it out of the park. For one of my events, I decided hold a yardsale and I asked friends and coworkers for donations for it. I've gotten a great response! Right now, I have ten garbage bags filled with clothes sitting in the study. And much more on the way.

Also, I'm doing a raffle for a new computer. Jake's going to donate his time to build one for me. I printed out the tickets last week and I've already sold 3 and a friend of ours who owns a shop took 20 to sell to his customers. Since they're $10 dollars each that's 200 dollars right there.

Yeah, baby.

As another event, we've planned a "Dinner Under the Stars" to be held in my backyard. Another friend of ours is a chef and owns a restaurant. He is going to donate his time and his kitchen to prepare the meals and, another friend who is a caterer for a major hotel, will loan us the tables and necessary items for the dinner.

Man, we have a lot of really cool friends. Go us.

So, I'm really excited. I haven't raised much money just now - but there is lots of potential. And I have until October to raise it so I'm not sweatin' it, dog.

The running aspect of everything is a little gloomier. I did too much, too fast and hurt my ankle. So I've had to take the week off. I had an appointment with a doctor yesterday but , despite the fact of leaving FORTY minutes early, I got lost and missed my appointment.

Did I mention that I had directions. Directions that included a MAP and a PICTURE of the building.

And I STILL got lost!?!

I give "directionally challenged" whole new meaning. It's not very comforting that I get still managed to get lost in a state that takes only a hour to drive across. Also, it's not like I'm new to this area. I've lived my entire life in this same twenty mile radius.

I swear I must have a brain bleed somewhere. Or some kind of mental impairment. Such airheadness can not occur in a seemingly well functioning individual without being symptomatic of a severe neurological deficit.

In other words, I am a dufus.

But that's nothing you (or I) didn't already know.

Well, I'm off to prepare for my last Buffy. And eat a Wendy's Sour Cream and Chive Baked Potato.

The perfect mix of pain and pleasure.

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