My mind knows that I really need to exercise. Really, I do. But my body has other plans.

Plans that involved Vanilla Klondike Ice Creams Bars.

So, right now, I'm trying to sike myself up. Because, if I don't, I'll feel guilty in the morning.

My mind is telling my body: "Think of all the great cardiovascular benefits and muscle tone you get from exercising! Your bones will be stronger, your skin will be clearer, your waistline will be smaller! A little pain for a lot of reward. C'mon girl, you can do it! It'll be fun and you'll be glad you did."

But my body don't play that. It ain't stupid. It's still hurting from the last "fun" bout it had with exercise. It's telling my mind that, unless I can mentally do step aerobics, the only exercise we're doing tonight is pushing the button on the remote control.

But, intellectually, I know I should. I mean, I'm going to be running a marathon in four months. Which seems like a long time but my body isn't gung ho on this whole pointless running thing so I need all the time I can get.

AHHHHH!!! Why can't I be one of those people who is addicted to exercise??? The type of person who would go mad if they don't get their daily dose of six hours of hard training.

It would make my life so much easier. But nooooo. My addictions have to involve spongecake and cult tv shows.

Neither which are necessarily benefical for my health.

It wouldn't hurt if I had a meat/pastry/sugar/chocolate/bread/fat allergy as well. You know, the kind that, whenever you eat it, you swell up like blowfish and die. That would be advantageous.

Except the dying part.

That's it. I need to get a dog. At least a dog would encourage me to go outside with it. All my cat does is shed and sleep.

Again, neither which are necessarily beneficial for my health.

She's not much of a role model for me.

Although occasionally she does chase something. Then kills it. I have to give her credit. However violent, I guess that still counts as an aerobic activity.

Okay, I got to stop stalling. Me and the night aren't getting any younger - so, c'mon Keryanna, suck it up and do the damn workout.

Then have your Klondike Ice Cream Bar :)

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