2011-02-27 - Welcome Home
2006-01-10 - Oh where o Where have I gone??
2004-07-05 - potential
2004-04-02 - adam smith
2004-03-15 - an alternative to dusting
2004-03-13 - delusions of grandeur and high cheekbones
2004-03-05 - pride and prejudice
2004-02-28 - I left my heart
2004-02-03 - Can you pick what doesn't belong here?
2004-01-31 - I'm an idiot who bruises easily
2004-01-22 - please shoot me
2004-01-09 - nostalgia
2004-01-07 - canadians, drugs, sex and scones
2003-12-18 - Happy Holidays
2003-12-07 - I'm-having-a-bad-day-rant
2003-12-06 - ahhh .... the smell of martinis in winter
2003-11-28 - The world according to Joe
2003-11-27 - Thanksgiving
2003-11-25 - theorectical physics and big, fat dicks
2003-11-21 - boyfriends, husbands and love poetry
2003-11-16 - humiliation and 10,000 maniacs
2003-10-21 - Dr. Phil rant
2003-10-18 - curbs, peanuts and introspection
2003-10-12 - lazy sunday mornings
2003-08-25 - life block
2003-08-04 - handicap poultry
2003-07-07 - frustration
2003-05-27 - mind/body split
2003-05-26 - hang on
2003-05-25 - prozac
2003-05-24 - wish
2003-05-22 - desk
2003-05-20 - buffy pt2
2003-05-20 - buffy
2003-05-08 - blinders
2003-05-04 - bible
2003-05-03 - yeah!
2003-04-28 - heaven
2003-04-25 - pain
2003-04-22 - grrr
2003-04-21 - lamar
2003-04-18 - good friday
2003-04-11 - yet another war entry
2003-03-31 - fear
2003-03-26 - bush
2003-03-21 - war
2003-03-18 - gold
2003-03-08 - kusha
2003-03-06 - porn
2003-03-05 - rocky road
2003-03-03 - job
2003-02-28 - dandelions
2003-02-24 - damn
2003-02-23 - window
2003-02-22 - poets
2003-02-21 - chaos
2003-02-20 - envy
2003-02-19 - today
2003-02-18 - child
2003-02-16 - snow
2003-02-16 - snow
2003-02-15 - blue
2003-02-14 - heart
2003-02-13 - blood
2003-02-12 - Jo
2003-02-11 - warm
2003-02-08 - jen
2003-02-08 - war
2003-02-07 - snow
2003-02-05 - hope
2003-02-01 - columbia
2003-01-31 - ocean
2003-01-29 - stars
2003-01-29 - argh
2003-01-24 - life
2003-01-24 - sun
2003-01-23 - BINGO
2003-01-15 - B-12
2003-01-12 - O-45
2003-01-11 - B-73
2003-01-08 - G-21
2003-01-06 - H-62
2003-01-05 - L-26
2002-12-30 - twentyfive
2002-12-29 - negative four
2002-12-18 - twentyfour
2002-12-13 - twenty
2002-12-10 - nineteen
2002-12-03 - eighteen
2002-11-26 - square root of four
2002-11-11 - seventeen
2002-11-05 - fifteen
2002-11-01 - fourteen
2002-10-30 - thirteen
2002-10-29 - twelve
2002-10-10 - eleven
2002-10-08 - ten
2002-10-03 - eight
2002-10-02 - seven
2002-09-27 - six
2002-09-26 - five
2002-09-24 - four
2002-09-23 - three
2002-09-22 - two
2002-09-20 - one
archives - newest - email - book - profile - notes - design - diaryland